Module python_ast::macros::redefs_nom_method [] [src]

Method macro combinators

These macros make parsers as methods of structs and that can take methods of structs to call as parsers.

There is a trick to make them easier to assemble, combinators are defined like this:

macro_rules! tag (
  ($i:expr, $inp: expr) => (

But when used as methods in other combinators, are used like this:

tk_method!(my_function<Parser<'a> >, self, tag!("abcd"));

Internally, other combinators will rewrite that call to pass the input as second argument:

macro_rules! method (
  ($name:ident<$a:ty>, $self_:ident, $submac:ident!( $($args:tt)* )) => (
    fn $name( $self_: $a, i: &[u8] ) -> $crate::IResult<&[u8], &[u8]> {
      $submac!(i, $($args)*)

The tk_method! macro is similar to the tk_named! macro in the macros module. While named! will create a parser function, tk_method! will create a parser method on the struct it is defined in.

Compared to the tk_named! macro there are a few differences in how they are invoked. A tk_method! invocation always has to have the type of self declared and it can't be a reference due to Rust's borrow lifetime restrictions: ignore // -`self`'s type- tk_method!(method_name< Parser<'a> >, ...); self's type always comes first. The next difference is you have to input the self struct. Due to Rust's macro hygiene the macro can't declare it on it's own. ignore // -self- tk_method!(method_name<Parser<'a>, &'a str, &'a str>, self, ...); When making a parsing struct with parsing methods, due to the static borrow checker,calling any parsing methods on self (or any other parsing struct) will cause self to be moved for the rest of the method.To get around this restriction all self is moved into the called method and then the called method will return self to the caller.

To call a method on self you need to use the call_m! macro. For example: ignore struct<'a> Parser<'a> { parsed: &'a str, } impl<'a> Parser<'a> { // Constructor omitted for brevity tk_method!(take4<Parser<'a>, &'a str, &'a str>, self, take!(4)); tk_method!(caller<Parser<'a>, &'a str, &'a str>, self, call_m!(self.take4)); } More complicated combinations still mostly look the same as their tk_named! counterparts: ignore tk_method!(pub simple_chain<&mut Parser<'a>, &'a str, &'a str>, self, do_parse!( call_m!(self.tag_abc) >> call_m!(self.tag_def) >> call_m!(self.tag_ghi) >> last: map!(call_m!(self.simple_peek), |parsed| sb.parsed = parsed) >> (last) ) ); The three additions to method definitions to remember are: 1. Specify self's type 2. Pass self to the macro 4. Call parser methods using the call_m! macro.